Numéro |
Volume 12, Numéro 3, Mai-Juin 2005
Page(s) | 228 - 241 | |
Section | L’exemple de la Bretagne | |
DOI | | |
Publié en ligne | 15 mai 2005 |
L’approvisionnement de la Bretagne en matières riches en protéines : situation actuelle et scénarios d’évolution à l’horizon 2015
INRA SAE2, rue Adolphe Bobierre CS 61103, F-35011 Rennes-Cedex
Chambre Régionale d’Agriculture de Bretagne, Service économie CS 74 223, F-35042 Rennes Cedex
Brittany which is one of the main European areas in term of animal compound feed production and high protein feed consumption, is for his supply strongly dependant on external areas including foreign countries and other French regions. A prospective work based on a simulation model named FEEDSIM has been developed at the regional level associating economics actors and local public administrations. This paper presents some methodological aspects, some general hypothesis concerning three scenarios at the 2015 horizon and some results concerning more specifically regional animal productions and means of supplying (nature of meals and cakes used in compound feed industry and in direct, transportation by road and rail, activities of the different Britain and Atlantic area ports, etc.). This paper also presents some main orientations for the continuation of this work.
Key words: cakes and meals / soybean / supply / Brittany / prospective / FEEDSIM
© John Libbey Eurotext 2005
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