Numéro |
Volume 12, Numéro 3, Mai-Juin 2005
Page(s) | 224 - 227 | |
Section | Acteurs et contraintes | |
DOI | | |
Publié en ligne | 15 mai 2005 |
Les tourteaux d’oléagineux, source de protéines en alimentation animale
CETIOM, Direction scientifique, Transformation et valorisation des graines Rue Monge, Parc industriel 33600 Pessac
05 56 07 30 84
05 56 07 97 18
The part of rapeseed and sunflower in total french consumption of meals has strongly increased during these twenty last years. Financial support for extensive research work on rapeseed and sunflower meal coming mainly from farmers organizations and french government allowed many animal trials in experimental stations and in feedstuffs companies, leading to a better knowledge of these meals in comparison of soyabean meal. The composition and nutritional parameters are now well known but these meals are not yet sufficiently used. Progress in using these protein sources will be possible by an increased knowledge of raw materials available on the market, by taking in account additional parameters for formulating feedstuffs and finally by further gains of quality in oilseeds
Key words: rapeseed / sunflower / soyabean / protein / meals / feedstuffs
© John Libbey Eurotext 2005
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