Table 1

Structuration and content of the knowledge-sharing phase.

Sections and objectives Detailed explanations of the shared knowledge Example of knowledge formalisation used during the presentation
Part 1: Multi-environment trial network
     Overview of the results of the various analysis performed with the experimental data collected in this experimental network
– Evolution of weed biomass according to the treatments tested in each trial and consequences on the level of impurities in the harvested camelina.
– Characterization of camelina yield variability and identification of the main factors explaining this variability (via an agronomic diagnosis).
– Characterization of camelina seed quality (oil and fatty acid contents) and identification of the main factors explaining this variability (via an agronomic diagnosis).
– Economic assessment: computation of the semi-net margin for each treatment using two scenarios of camelina selling prices.
– Environmental assessment: estimation of the nitrate leaching (mg/l) for the different treatments in 2017 (via modelling with the LIXIM model1) and assumptions about the factors explaining the observed variability.

Linear relation between weed biomass and crop biomass at harvest, illustrated with some pictures took in the field to show differences in soil cover.
Conclusion Part 1
     Summary of the knowledge produced
– Indicators used by the research team to assess camelina sown in spring (light green).
– Relationships between agricultural practices (dark green), soil conditions (brown), plant characteristics (orange) and weather conditions (blue) influencing the assessment indicators.

Functional scheme obtained for the multi-environment trials network.
Part 2: Farmer-experimenter’ trials
     Overview of the data extracted from the qualitative assessment performed by the farmers
– Synthesis of success and failure factors mentioned by three farmers-experimenters for different modalities (M) of inclusion and management of camelina as double crop (interview analysis).
– Summary of the farmer’s results from the factorial trial combining different seeding rates and mineral nitrogen rates with the presence or absence of tillage (interview analysis).

Formalization of the qualitative assessment performed by the farmers (level of satisfaction for the considered criteria and associated explanations).
Conclusion Part 2
     Summary of the knowledge produced
– Indicators used by the farmers to assess camelina sown as double crop (light green).
– Relationships between agricultural practices (dark green), soil conditions (brown), plant characteristics (orange) and weather conditions (blue) influencing the assessment indicators.

Functional scheme obtained for the farmer-experimenter trials.

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