Open Access
Table 1
Characteristics and origin of each group of INTA Pergamino sunflower’s lines.
Group | Characteristics | Origin |
1 | High content of oleic acid (maintainer lines) | High content of oleic acid lines were obtained from ND 01; VNNIMK 1646/ND 01; Sel HA 343; Luch/AO 01/03 and ND 01/BXC. |
2 | Maintainer lines with desirable traits such as grain yield, disease resistance and bird resistance | Verticillium resistance was originated from VNIIMK 1646; VNIIMK 1646/ND 01; SB/BZ BXC/KLM, BXC/KLM/HA 300, E/DXT; Local/Silvestre; P4 and HA 335/HA 412/ND 01/BZ. Downy mildew resistance was originated from E.75x MP 557/Negro Bellocq/KLM/HA 300; HA 335/HA412/71/538 /BXC; MP557/Negro Bellocq/KLM/HA 300/V112/E/BXC and MP557/Negro. From Bellocq/KLM/HA 300/V112/E/BXC were also obtained lines that were moderately resistant to Verticillium. Sclerotinia resistance was originated from MP557/Negro Bellocq/HA 89; ND 01; PGRK, V-13/BxC and AXB/BXC. From ND 01 was originated also high oleic lines and from AXB/BXC moderately Verticillium resistant lines. Resistance to rust was obtained from BXC and Pehuén/Caburé/Charata-SelRN160. Resistance to birds was originated from PGRK and sintética Os2. |
3 | Confectionary use lines | Confectionery lines were obtained from ND-NONOIL composite. |
4 | Restorer of fertility branched lines (oleic and linoleic) | Restorer of fertility lines were obtained from PRIII; Sel.105; Sel.105G; Sel.3; Sel.3107; Sel.34507; Sel.36506; Sel.379; Sel.70; Sel.731; Sel.860; Sel.871; Sel.90014 and Sel.9021. |
5 | Resistance to Imidazolinone | Imidazolinone resistant lines were obtained from IMI-Sun N.Dakota; B10/B83/HA425 and A83-3/RfI. From Sel.2329 IMI-Sun N.Dakota and Sel.2330 IMI-Sun N.Dakota were originated Verticillium resistant lines. |
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