Table 1

Fatty acids of interest cited in this manuscript, some uses, and plants showing the highest content in their oil.

Fatty acid common name Nomenclature Plant with highest known content (%) Family Uses Reference
Octanoic 8:0 Cuphea pulcherrima (94.4%) Lythraceae Perfume, antifungal (Graham and Kleiman, 1992)
Capric 10:0 Cuphea koehne (93.8%) Lythraceae Flavors, perfumes, dyes (Graham and Kleiman, 1992)
Lauric 12:0 Actinodaphne hookeri (96%) Lauraceae Detergent (Banerji et al., 1984)
Myristic 14:0 Pycnathus kombo (61.6%) Myristicaceae Candles, soap, fuel, lubricants (Banerji et al., 1984)
Palmitic acid 16:0 Myrica carolinensis (77.5%) Myricaceae Plasticizer (Harlow et al., 1965)
Palmitoleic 16:1Δ9 Doxhanta unguis (> 60%) Bignoniaceae Production of octene (Nguyen et al., 2010)
Stearic 18:0 Momordica charantia (74.5%) Cucurbitaceae Candles, soap, detergents (Dave et al., 1985)
Vaccenic 18:1Δ11c Entandraphragma (62%) Meliaceae Production undecanoic acid (11:0, Nylon production) (Kleiman and Payne-Wahl, 1984)
Vernolic Δ12,13–O–18:1Δ9c Vernonia galamensis (79–81%) Asteraceae Adhesives, varnish, paintings, solvent (Ucciani, 1994)
Ricinoleic Δ12–OH–18:1Δ9c Ricinus communis (90%) Euphorbiacee Polymers (Gunstone et al., 1986)
Eleostearic 18:3Δ9c,11t,13t Vernicia fordii (75.2%) Euphorbiaceae Varnishes (Zhang et al., 2014)
Linolenic 18:3cis-Δ9,12,15 Fragaria vesca (43%)
Linum usitatissimum (35–66%)
Euphorbia niciciana (74.3%)
Vitis vinifera (63–75.7%)
Food, paintings, plastics (Johansson et al., 1997; Ucciani, 1994)
Erucic 22:1Δ13c Crambe abyssinica (55–60%) Brassicaceae Emolients, tensio actifs (Ortiz et al., 2020)
Wuhanic acid
Orychophragmus violaceus (38%) Brassicaceae Lubricant (Romsdahl et al., 2019)

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