Numéro |
Volume 11, Numéro 4-5, Juillet-Octobre 2004
Page(s) | 323 - 326 | |
Section | Conséquences de la réforme | |
DOI | | |
Publié en ligne | 15 juillet 2004 |
Un avenir en filière
ONIDOL 12, avenue George V 75008 PARIS
At the end of the seventies, according to a French specific legal framework, an interbranch organisation (ONIDOL) was created to gather producers, storers and crushers involved in oilseeds production and transformation. The first concern was to convert the rapeseed production with new varieties, diversify the outlets, and increase the uses for both food and feed. Therefore several collective initiatives have been carried out: research and development programmes, common quality rules, settlement of futures markets, development of non food uses and biodiesel. Today, ONIDOL has to consider whether the new Common Agricultural Policy fits in with such collective actions to provide added value in oilseed integrated chain. The target concerns in particular the new outlets, the management of safety, security and traceability rules of production fluxes and their harmonisation, the management of environmental constraints.
Key words: Oilseed branch organisation / collective actions / integrated chain / non food uses / new CAP / safety / security / traceability
© John Libbey Eurotext 2004
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