Issue |
Volume 11, Number 4-5, Juillet-Octobre 2004
Page(s) | 327 - 330 | |
Section | Conséquences de la réforme | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 15 July 2004 |
Oléagineux et structures d’exploitations agricoles dans les PECO
AGROPOL (Association pour le développement international agronomique et industriel des protéagineux et des oléagineux), 12, avenue George V 75008 Paris
The agriculture of the CEEC’s is characterized by a strong diversity in the size of the farms. Oilseed crops are grown mainly by the big farms (80% in Poland) which take their origin in State farms. New big farms are under establishement by leasing of land from small owners (in Romania). The Common Agricultural Policy in the new member CEEC’s will result in: little effect on restructuring of small farms, putting oilseeds aside from that sector, quick effect on the improvement of the productivity of oilseeds in the big farms and probably little influence on oilseed acreage expansion.
Key words: Cap / Ceec’s
© John Libbey Eurotext 2004
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