Biodiesel / Biodiesel
Open Access

Table 3

Evolution of cultivation practices in cooperatives or companies commited to improvement efforts.

% of the total area

2015/2016 2016/2017
Decision Support System to calculate the rate of N fertilizer by taking into account the biomass at the end of winter    
   No tool is used 10.5 16.4 S
   Tool with visual estimation of the biomass 28.6 30.4 NS
   Tool with estimation of the biomass by weighing 36.6 30.0 S
   Tool with estimation of the biomass by remote sensing 24.3 23.2 NS
Difference between the amount of N fertilizer actually applied and the calculated rate within −10 to 10 kg N ha−1 52.5 42.3 S
Rapeseed cultivated after a legume preceding crop 2.0 2.9 S
Rapeseed cultivated with frost sensitive legumes 1.1 1.9 S

Note: S/NS: significant/not significant differences at 5%.

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