Open Access

Table 5

Cost of replanting per hectare in 2009.

Different replanting operations Cost in FCFA (Euros)/ hectare

Felling of old palms 90 000 (137.2 €)
Trimming and windrowing of fronds 6500 (9.91 €)
Lining 4000 (6.1 €)
Cutting and transportation of pegs 2145 (3.27 €)
Holing 7150 (10.9 €)
Loading of plants 2860 (4.36 €)
Off-loading and transportation of plants close to the hole 3575 (5.45 €)
Planting and application of fertilizer 5720 (8.72 €)
Phosphate tricalcium 249 (0.38 €)
Fully grown oil palm seedlings × 143 224 169 (341.74 €)
Transportation cost 12 870 (19.62 €)
Total 359 238 (547.66 €)

Source: Field survey in SOCAPALM Eseka, 2013.

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