Numéro |
Volume 8, Numéro 1, Janvier-Février 2001
Page(s) | 33 - 38 | |
Section | Dossier : Deutsche Gesellschaft für Fettwissenschaft - Association française pour l’étude des corps gras | |
DOI | | |
Publié en ligne | 15 janvier 2001 |
Development of a biodiesel activity
Sofiproteol, 12, avenue George-V, 75008
Paris, France
Nutritional values of fatty acid classes are normally discussed on the basis of their saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated structures with implicit understanding that they are straight-chain. Here we focus on chlorophyll-derived phytanic and pristanic acids that are minor isoprenoid branched-chain lipid constituents in food, but of unknown nutritional value. After describing the enzyme machinery that degrades these nutrient fatty acids in the peroxisome, we show by the criteria of a mouse model and of a human cell culture model that they induce with high potency expression of enzymes responsible for beta-oxidation of straight-chain fatty acids in the peroxisome. We summarize present mechanistic knowledge on fatty acid signaling to the nucleus, which involves protein/protein contacts between peroxisome proliferator activated receptor (PPAR) and fatty acid binding protein (FABP).
In this signaling event the branched-chain fatty acids are the most effective ones. Finally, on the basis of this nutrient-gene interaction we discuss nutritional opportunities and therapeutic aspects of the chlorophyll-derived fatty acids.
The circumstances that led to the significant French biodiesel activity will be examined: the oilseed producers and transformers actions, the partnership with the oil refiners, the government support - regulation and detaxation... The French production units will be described, followed by update scientific results highlighting the advantages of biodiesel: functionality and friendly environmentally impact. The current usage of biodiesel by oil refiners will be described and its future in the oncoming context (fuel specifications, HDI engines and post-treatment) discussed.
Les différents éléments ayant conduit à un développement significatif d’une activité biodiesel en France seront examinés : organisation de la filière oléagineuse, partenariat avec les pétroliers, accompagnement des pouvoirs publics en termes réglementaires et fiscaux... Il sera ensuite procédé à un état des lieux de l’outil de transestérification français. Les avantages du biodiesel, fonctionnalité et qualités environnementales, seront présentés à la lumière de récents résultats expérimentaux. Après description des voies d’utilisation du biodiesel par les pétroliers, le positionnement de celui-ci dans un nouvel environnement (spécifications des carburants, moteurs HDI et post-traitement) sera discuté.
Key words: biodiesel / development in France / advantages / usage
Mots clés : biodiesel / développement français / avantages / utilisations
© John Libbey Eurotext 2001
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