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Article cité :

FTIR Spectroscopy and PLS-DA Classification and Prediction of Four Commercial Grade Virgin Olive Oils from Morocco

Aziz Hirri, Mahfould Bassbasi, Stefan Platikanov, Roma Tauler and Abdelkhalek Oussama
Food Analytical Methods 9 (4) 974 (2016)

Comparative Study of the Effects of Thermal and Photochemical Accelerated Oxidations on Quality of “Green Type” and “Black Type” French Olive Oils

Jérôme Plard, Yveline Le Dréau, Catherine Rébufa and Nathalie Dupuy
American Journal of Analytical Chemistry 07 (12) 890 (2016)

Oleaster (var. sylvestris) and subsp. cuspidata are suitable genetic resources for improvement of the olive (Olea europaea subsp. europaea var. europaea)

Hédia Hannachi, Hilary Sommerlatte, Catherine Breton, et al.
Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 56 (3) 393 (2009)