Issue |
Volume 20, Number 1, January-February 2013
Page(s) | 55 - 60 | |
Section | Nutrition | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 15 January 2013 |
Influence du taux d’acide alpha-linolénique de l’aliment sur la teneur en oméga-3 et les caractéristiques hédoniques de la viande de lapin. Revue bibliographique
Influence of the feed linolenic acid level on the Omega 3 contend and the hedonic characteristics of the rabbit meat. A review
COPRI, Coat Izella, 29 830 Ploudalmézeau, France3
EARL 3L, Coat Izella, 29 830 Ploudalmézeau (France)
Reçu :
Accepté :
Several publications are dealing with the influence of the omega 3 level in the feed, more particularly the alpha-linolenic acid level, on the rabbit meat level in this fatty acid, but only few of them deal with the use of the flaxseed. This review is a synthesis of the effects of the level of alpha-linolenic acid brought by the flaxseed on the omega 3 level of the rabbit meat. It shows a direct connection between the alpha-linolenic acid level in the feed and the omega 3 content of the rabbit meat. Besides, this enrichment decreases the saturated fatty acids level, the omega 6 level and consequently the omega 6/omega 3 ratio below 4. In consequence, the contribution of around 0.65% of alpha-linolenic acid in the feed by incorporation of flaxseed in the feed allows to bring in average 967 mg of omega 3 for 100 g of back or 459 mg for 100 kcal and 1004 mg of omega 3 for 100 g of shoulder or 483 mg for 100 kcal and consequently to claim the allegation “rich in omega 3”. This enrichment doesn’t modify the hedonic characteristics of the rabbit meat.
Key words: meat quality / rabbits / lipids / omega 3 / alpha-linolenic acid / extruded flax
© John Libbey Eurotext 2013
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