Issue |
Volume 20, Number 1, January-February 2013
Page(s) | 61 - 68 | |
Section | Développement | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 15 January 2013 |
Assurer la sécurité alimentaire dans un contexte de changement climatique : un défi collectif
Achieve food security in the face of climate change: a collective issue
Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA), 147 rue de l’Université – 75338 Paris Cedex 07 ; Commission internationale sur l’Agriculture durable et le Changement climatique ; Agreenium
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There is an urgent need to renew our agricultural model: 1 billion people still suffer from starvation nowadays, we are running short with fossile resources and climate change is already transforming agriculture throughout the World. Food security is at stake for the decades to come and most of the international decision makers are becoming aware of it, as illustrated by a series of conferences and summits which include: the G20 summit on agriculture in Paris (June 2011) and the Earth Summit which took place in Rio on last June.
However, while preparing for those important meetings decision-makers were in need for an accurate and comprehensive information on the latest scientific results. This is the reason why the international commission on sustainable agriculture and climate change was set up in 2011.
Made of 13 eminent scientists, this international commission was in charge of identifying which policy changes and actions are needed to help the world achieve food security in the face of climate change. After 15 months of working, the commission issued its final report in March 2012 and this article is aimed at introducing the main conclusions of this report.
Key words: climate change / food security / environment / agriculture / resources / commission / report / summit / decision-makers
© John Libbey Eurotext 2013
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