GERLI meeting Dijon 2017: new deadlines
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- Published on 25 July 2017
The 13th GERLI Lipidomics meeting entitled "Fatty acids and lipopolysaccharide from health to diseases" will held from 23 to 25 October 2017, in Dijon (France). The medieval city of Dijon, capital of the Dukes of Burgundy, is also the gateway to the most prestigious Burgundy vineyards.
This international meeting will be dedicated to fatty acids and lipopolysaccharides, and an open session entitled " emerging topics/open session " will be devoted to recent and emerging data related to other domains of lipids and lipidomics.
The deadline for oral communications has been extended until September the 11th and the early-bird registration until September the 15 th.
For more informations, visit the website:
Food Antioxidants and Functional Ingredients - Shelf Life Extension, Nutrition and Health: 13 - 14 November 2017, London
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- Published on 30 June 2017
The SCI featured event entitled « Food Antioxidants and Functional Ingredients - Shelf Life Extension, Nutrition and Health » is scheduled for 13-14 November 2017, at the Society of Chemical Industry (SCI), 14/15 Belgrave Square, London. The main theme of this international conference is understanding antioxidants in terms of food processing, nutrition and health, NPD and impacts on shelf life including the challenges and strategies for a new generation of antioxidant phytochemicals.
The conference will be of interest to producers and users of food antioxidants, nutritionists, health authorities, food scientists, phytochemicals researchers, supplement manufacturers and retailers.
The full programme will be announced in due course :
- Sources and mechanistic actions of food antioxidants
- Biological and health effects of dietary antioxidants
- Applications of natural antioxidants in food systems and beverages
- Processing techniques for health positive and value-added ingredients
- Challenges in the commercialisation of novel new antioxidants
- Strategies for developing functional ingredients for ‘personalised’ nutrition
More informations :
Pulses 2017: 10-13 July 2017, Vancouver, Canada
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- Published on 29 June 2017
The Global Pulse Confederation holds the Global Pulse Convention each year in a different city around the world. The Canadian Special Crops Association holds the Pulse & Special Crops Convention each year in a different Canadian city.
For the first time, the Global Pulse Confederation and the Canadian Special Crops Association are bringing their conventions together for the biggest event the pulse industry has ever seen – Pulses 2017: The Future of Food.
Pulses 2017 will being delegates two and a half days of convention programming and two networking receptions. Much like both individual events, programming will centre on industry issues and advancements as well as the supply and demand outlook for pulse crops in 2017. All plenary and breakout session programming will take place at the Vancouver Convention Centre.
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13e GERLI Lipidomics : "Fatty acids and lipopolysaccharides: from health to diseases"
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- Published on 26 June 2017
The 13th GERLI lipidomics meeting will be organized in Dijon 23th to 25th October 2017. During 3 days, it will bring together more than 100 participants coming from different countries. 6 sessions will welcome around 20 plenary lectures - international speakers - and oral communications - intended for young scientists - and about 50 selected posters.
The issue of this 13th edition will be addressed both in plant and mammals through joint sessions. During 2 days, this congress will focus on fatty acids - a topic not been discussed at GERLI meeting since 2008 - and will give an update on the latest advances in cellular detection/signaling, transport, storage, metabolism and related pathophysiological risks (obesity, cancer…). A final session will be
interested in fatty acids related mediators involved in inflammation regulation.
The third day will be dedicated - for the first time at GERLI - to lipopolysaccharides (LPS). LPS or endotoxins are also “lipids” which are pro-inflammatory components of the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria. LPS are amphipathic molecules composed of a polysaccharide part and lipid A, considered as the active moiety. Thus, LPS exhibit properties similar to lipids, particularly their transport via lipoproteins. In the host, LPS can trigger a systemic inflammatory response. This session should concern both scientists and clinicians.
In addition, an open session entitled " emerging topics/open session " will be devoted (see program) to recent and emerging data related to other domains of lipids and lipidomics.
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Lipids & Brain IV: Lipids in Alzheimer diseases, Nancy (France), 8-11 October 2017
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- Published on 17 May 2017
Since 2007, the French Society for the Study of Lipids (SFEL), a non-governmental, non-profit scientific society founded in 1943, has organized every 4 years an international conference “Lipids & Brain - Journées Chevreul” with the participation of a range of European scientific associations (2007 DGF ; 2011 Norway L&B ; 2015 SCI).
In 2017, the SFEL is organizing at Lorraine University a special "Lipid and Brain IV" dedicated to “Lipids in Alzheimer disease” with the objective of assembling leading members of the medical and scientific communities to discuss their latest findings and to develop exchanges between physicians, nutritionists and fundamental scientists in order that the prevention and treatment of this human pathology might be rendered more effective. At this conference, the SFEL will honour a scientist who has dedicated his career to a very original research in this field: Pr Stephen Cunnane (Université de Sherbrooke, Canada) by awarding him the French Chevreul Medal 2017.
The event will take place on 8-22 October 2017 in Nancy, France.
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"Sunflower and Climate Change Symposium", Toulouse, France, February 2018
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- Published on 27 February 2017
INRA and Terres Inovia are organizing as a part of the SUNRISE project (SUNflower Resources to Improve Yield Stability in a changing Environment) and in collaboration with ISA, Promosol and the International Consortium of Sunflower Genomic Resources (ICSG), a symposium on the theme of "Sunflower and climate change". It will take place on 5-6 February 2018 at the Hôtel-Dieu Saint-Jacques in Toulouse, France.
9th Workshop on Fats and Oils as Renewable Feedstock for the Chemical Industry: Karlsruhe, Germany, March 19 – 21, 2017
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- Published on 05 October 2016
The environmentally sound and sustainable use of natural resources is an important worldwide challenge. At present, fats and oils are the most widely used renewable raw materials in the chemical industry, since they offer widespread possibilities for different applications. The Workshop on “Fats and oils as renewable feedstock for the chemical industry” has evolved to a major global oleochemical meeting, attracting participants from all over the world. Important contributions to the workshop have been documented in special issues of European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology. The 9th Workshop “Fats and Oils as Renewable Feedstock for the Chemical Industry” will discuss new developments as well as future perspectives of the chemical usage of fats and oils including terpenes. Presentations from industry representatives will show the progress in introducing renewable materials to the market.
The workshop in Karlsruhe will cover the following topics (amongst others):
- Chemistry of fats and oils & other renewable resources
- Synthesis of fine chemicals
- Monomer / Polymer synthesis
- Catalysis
- Sustainability
- Introducing renewable materials to the market
More informations on :
ILSI Europe’s 2nd Workshop on Nutrition for the Ageing Brain Functional Aspects and Strategies on 30 June-1 July in Copenhagen, Denmark
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- Published on 06 June 2016
ILSI Europe’s 2nd Workshop on Nutrition for the Ageing Brain Functional Aspects and Strategies on 30 June-1 July in Copenhagen, Denmark, follows on from a previous successful workshop in 2014. Ageing is a highly complex process marked by succeeding events that promote alterations in the normal functioning of an individual organism over time and that include many common chronic neurodegenerative diseases. The precise cause of the neuronal degeneration underlying these disorders, and indeed normal brain ageing, remain however elusive. So far, the majority of existing drug treatments for neurodegenerative disorders are unable to prevent the underlying degeneration of neurons. Consequently, there is a desire to address these challenges by developing alternative strategies to prevent the detrimental effects of brain ageing, such as the use of nutritional interventions. Despite a wealth of data on how nutrients and diets may support cognitive function and preserve brain health, the biological mechanisms underlying this relationship remain largely unknown. The workshop will provide an update on the current state of knowledge on nutrition and neuroprotection. The proceedings of the workshop will be summarised into a peer-reviewed article.
Chevreul medal: Pr Michael A. Crawford, Past, present and future: the extreme conservation of neurosignaling and the cost of mental ill-health
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- Published on 24 March 2016
OCL Journal: quick two-question feedback
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- Published on 01 March 2016
May I ask you, as a reader of OCL Journal, to give five minutes (no more) to answering two questions, one about the way you use databases to find scientific articles, the other about the topics that interest you? Your answers would help the editors to strengthen the Journal’s profile and broaden its readership.
As you know, OCL Journal is on Open Access. We seek the widest possible circulation of our articles. In 2015, an average of 12 000 pdfs/PDFs were downloaded each month.
While this is good, there is surely room for improvement. Your support would be greatly appreciated!
Please click on this link to be redirected to the questions
Thank you for your time.
Kind regards,
Valérie Duflot (Deputy editor-in-chief) & OCL Steering Committee