
Journées Chevreul: November 4 & 5, 2024

The 2024 edition of the Journées Chevreul will be held online on November 4 and 5. Its theme: new sources of oils and fats. Topics covered include fermentation, oleogels, oleosomes, thermochemistry, new algal oils, insects, enzymatic catalysis and the valorization of co-products.

The event is co-organized by Anne Le Guillou (Danone), Pierre Villeneuve (CIRAD) and Mathieu Allard (Lesieur).

Further information and registration on the dedicated page:

The French project "Insert Them": Adopting Legumes, from Field to Plate

How can we unlock the barriers hindering the growth of seed legumes in France? This is the challenge of the French project "Insert Them” (Insérez les, in French). Over four years, with support from the French National Research Agency (ANR), this project aims to facilitate innovations at all levels: agronomic, varietal, technological, economic, and societal. It is part of the national strategy for "Sustainable and Health-Favorable Food" under the 4th Investment Program for the Future.

Legumes, Species of Interest

At the official launch of the project on May 29 and 30, 2024, in Paris, attended by all partners, Afsaneh Lellahi, Deputy Director of Terres Inovia, emphasized the importance of "supporting farmers to maintain the acreage of these crops."

Legumes are species of interest due to their symbiotic ability to fix nitrogen in plant production and produce proteins for both humans and animals. This is why Terres Inovia has been heavily invested in this area since the Cap Protéines project, initiated as part of France Relance, aimed at "aligning solutions and pathways to facilitate transfer on the ground, maintain acreage, and provide prospects for these crops," confirmed Afsaneh Lellahi. It is in this context that "Insert Them" was born, alongside other R&D projects partnered with Terres Inovia, with a focus on Research & Innovation that complements the institute's field support actions.

A Collective Dynamic for a Systemic Approach

What is unique about the "Insert Them" project? It aims to create a broad collective dynamic around legumes at all levels, from upstream to downstream production.

This ambition was particularly praised by Marie-Benoît Magrini, an economist from the ODYCEE team at INRAE-UMR Agir, who was present at the launch meeting: "Overall, it is essential that all functions of innovation are activated simultaneously for them to succeed, which requires a systemic vision. Each individual in their field must think collectively, placing their proposals within the broader context of the contributions from other stakeholders in the value chain. This is a necessary condition to transform individual initiatives into collective success."

SFEL Webinar about brain fatty acid metabolism, by Richard Bazinet (May 31, 2024, 1pm-2pm)

SFEL, the French Society for the Study of Lipids, is organizing a new webinar on May 31, 2024 from 1 pm to 2 pm. The guest: Dr. Richard Bazinet (University of Toronto, Canada), who will give a 40-minute presentation on fatty acid metabolism in the brain, entitled: Using carbon 11, 12, 13 and 14 to study brain fatty acid metabolism - Highlights of a few fun findings along the way with an emphasis on translation.

The presentation will be followed by a 20-minute Q&A session.

Registration is free but mandatory via the link:

ISSFAL 16TH International Congress: 29 June - 2 July 2025, Québec City, Canada

The 16th Congress of the International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids and Lipids (ISFAL) will be held in Quebec City from 29 June to 2 July 2025.

The Organizing and Scientific Committees aim to ensure the scientific sessions take full advantage of the full spectrum of recent advances in lipid and fatty acid research internationally. The program will focus on highlighting the work of new researchers and faculty, as well as strengthening international links. A strong networking environment for the scientific and industry communities will be provided, to enable everyone to renew acquaintances and establish new ones that will extend beyond our time together in Quebec City.

Quebec City, founded in 1608, is the most European of North American cities and will bring a complete international feeling to this Congress. The venue for this prestigious event will be the Centre des Congrès de Québec, located in the heart of the Old City, a UNESCO World Heritage site in its own right, and an open air museum exhibiting 400 years of history. Quebec City, a stunning multi-cultural city, famed for its renowned gastronomy, in a spectacular setting at the heart of French speaking Canada, offers a truly unique visitor experience. The international airport boasts direct flights to 32 destinations in 7 countries, including London and Paris, and there are also excellent internal connections via Toronto and Vancouver.

More information regarding registration, abstract submission, accommodation options, and program details will be communicated to you in the coming months. In the meantime, the Organizing and Scientific Committees encourage you to visit the congress website regularly for all updates and announcements regarding the congress.


Terres Inovia's work taken to ISO in Japan

In mid-January, Vincent Jauvion, Head of the Seed Processing and Development Department, travelled to Japan. He arrived in October 2017 as head of the Terres Inovia laboratory based in Ardon (45), and since January 2024 has also been elected chairman of an ISO subcommittee (SC): "SC2: Oilseeds, oil fruits and oilseed meals", which is itself part of a technical committee relating to agri-food, TC34 within ISO, which publishes international standards (see diagram). "The aim of the TC34 meeting was to discuss and share the activities carried out within each SC (ranging from seeds to dairy products, meat, etc.) in order to coordinate the actions of the agri-food sector. The ISO meeting in Japan therefore concerned TC34 as a whole, and I spoke on the oilseeds and oilseed co-products section of SC2", explains Vincent Jauvion.

Standards to standardise exchanges

Standards are reference documents approved by a recognised standards institute such as Afnor, ISO or others. They contain solutions to technical and commercial questions concerning products, capital goods or services.
The standards for which Terres Inovia is responsible mainly concern analysis and sampling methods for seeds and oilcakes. For example, standard NF EN ISO 659 on oil analysis of oilseeds indicates how to operate precisely (equipment, products, operating procedure, etc.) to measure the oil content of seeds.

The standard is the result of a consensus between all the stakeholders in a market or sector of activity, which means that it is widely recognised and used, and can be relied on in commercial transactions.

An approved method for determining nitrogen

International positioning is only possible when national standardisation is active. This is the fruit of a synthesis between technical analysis and the collective interests of the industry, and can thus be defined and defended at international level. This is a task for technical experts, which also requires knowledge of the economic context and a capacity for conviction and openness in order to reach a consensus.

For example, the proposal to revise the Dumas method for determining protein nitrogen in oilseeds and animal feed (NF EN ISO 16634-1) was accepted at the Japanese meeting, which will now enable Vincent Jauvion to lead the revision work to keep this standard, which is widely used by laboratories around the world, up to date.

Contact : V. Jauvion, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

18th GERLI Lipidomics Meeting: Final scientific program!

The scientific program of the forthcoming 18th GERLI Lipidomics Meeting is available online:

The meeting will take place from October 16th to 18th, 2023, at the prestigious « Campus des Cordeliers«  located in the heart of Paris.


La Rivista Italiana Delle Sostanze Grasse’s latest issue (RISG 2-2023)

  • A study of the fat component’s quality and quantity and their effect on the oxidative stability of beef and chicken meat burgers and shawarma in Amman area -Sarra Ould Hocine, Basem Al-Abdullah Al-Sawalha, Khalid Al-Ismail
  • Chemical composition and biological activity of lavandin and lavender essential oils - Dejan Pljevljakušić, Sanja Kostadinović Veličkovska, Ljupčo Mihajlov, Aleksandar Čerepnalkovski
  • Fatty acid composition of stems, leaves, flowers and seeds of some medicinal plants -Kagan Kokten, Sam Mokhtarzadeh, Erdal Cacan, Mehmet Ali Kutlu, Selim Ozdemir, Ridvan Ucar, Muammer Ekmekci
  • Essential oils composition and bioactivities of most prevalent species of genus Piper in Malaysia: a scope review -Nik Nur Asyiqin Nik Mohammed Ainul Azman, Wan Mohd Nuzul Hakimi Wan Salleh, Nurunajah Ab Ghani
  •  SHORT NOTE - fatty acids, triglycerides, tocol and sterol contents of oils of some Moringa seed varieties -Osman Kola, Sümeyye Gökalp Erva Parildi, Neslihan Özkul, Murat Reis Akkaya, Ali Emrah Çetin
  • Da Georgofili INFO - Il contributo degli insetti alla produzione di lipidi -Paolo Bondioli, Elisabetta Rossi, Giuliano Mosca

La Rivista Italiana Delle Sostanze Grasse’s latest issue (RISG 1-2023)

World Soybean Research Conference 11 (WSRC11): 18-23 June 2023, Vienna, Austria

For one week from 18 to 23 June, Vienna will be the centre of science, economy and politics around global soya-related issues. Hundreds of scientists, feed and food producers, processors and soya experts from all over the world will meet for the first time in Europe for the 11th World Soybean Research Conference (WSRC11). Soybeans were first introduced to a world audience 150 years ago in the Japanese and Chinese pavilions at the World Exhibition in Vienna in 1873 – this was an important milestone on the way to one of the world’s most important crops.

The broad range of topics at the WSRC11 extends from the latest findings in science to market developments and the Protein Transition in Europe, as well as sustainability issues from climate protection to the current EU supply chain legislation process. The conference is organised by the WSRC Scientific Committee led by Prof. Johann Vollmann of the Austrian University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) and the organisation Donau Soja.

The international guests can expect an extensive 6-day program at the Vienna Austria Center. The major thematic blocks at the conference will be: Breeding, crop production and crop protection, the use of soya as food and feed, processing technologies, market development and policy topics. On 19 June, the conference participants are invited to a “Night of European Soy” with food producers at the World Museum. A gala evening hosted by the Mayor of Vienna in the Vienna City Hall and several excursions on the last day will round off the conference.

More informations (programm, registration...):