Call for papers
OCL is a fully Open Access journal supported by
Terres Inovia, Terres Univia, FNCG, Iterg and SFEL.
As a consequence, authors are not required to pay any article processing charges (APC) for publishing their articles in open access in the journal.
Please find the instructions for authors here :
The following issues are scheduled:
How oil- and protein- crops can help the fight against climate change?
Comment les cultures oléoprotéagineuses peuvent-elles contribuer à la lutte contre le changement climatique ?
Adapting to climate change
Adaptation au changement climatique
Non-Food Uses Of Oil & Protein Crops
Usages non Alimentaires des oléoprotéagineux
Diversity of Plant Proteins extracted from Oil & Protein Crop
Diversité des protéines végétales issues des oléoprotéagineux
Oilseeds And the War In Ukraine
Oléoprotéagineux et guerre en Ukraine
Contaminants in oils and fats
Contaminants des huiles et corps gras
Extraction solvents
Solvants d’extraction
Minor oils from atypical plant sources
Huiles mineures de sources végétales atypiques
Creating new oil & protein crop value chains
Construire de nouvelles filières oléoprotéagineuses
Innovative Cropping Systems
Systèmes innovants de culture oléoprotéagineux
Green and white biotechnologies in the fields of lipids and oil- and proteincrops
Biotechnologies vertes et blanches dans les domaines des lipides et oléoprotéagineux
Lipids from aquatic environments
Lipides issus des milieux aquatiques
Oil- and protein-crops, lipids and climate change
Oléoprotéagineux, lipides et changement climatique
Lipids in extreme conditions: adaptation in oilseeds, in processing and in human physiology
Lipides et conditions extrêmes : adaptation des oléoprotéagineux, des process et de la physiologie chez l’homme
Bioactive lipids and lipid droplets: green ressources for food and health
Lipides et gouttelettes lipidiques bioactifs : des ressources vertes pour l'alimentation et la santé
Palm and palm oil
Palmier et huile de palme
Diversity of Plant Proteins extracted from Oil & Protein Crops
Diversité des protéines végétales issues des oléoprotéagineux
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