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The use of innovative technologies to improve treated wastewater irrigation of olive trees in the Souss-Massa region, Morocco
Imane Mansir, Yassine Naji, Alessandra Scardigno, G. Dragonetti, Mohamed El Otmani, Lhoussaine Bouchaou and Redouane Choukr-Allah Water Reuse 14(3) 368 (2024)
Mohamed Ait Hamza, Hassan Boubaker, Odile Fossati-Gaschignard, James Nicholas Furze, El Hassan Mayad, Thierry Mateille and Abdelhamid El Mousadik 19 355 (2024)
Comparative assessment of agroforestry performances between pea and barley intercropping with olive tree under Mediterranean conditions
Plant Growth Promoting (PGP) Performances and Diversity of Bacterial Species Isolated from Olive (Olea europaea L.) Rhizosphere in Arid and Semi-arid Regions of Morocco
Abdessamad Sallami, Farid Rachidi, Abdelali Idrissi Lahsini, Hanane El Khedri, Allal Douira, Cherkaoui El Modafar, Leila Medraoui and Abdelkarim Filali-Maltouf Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology (2023)
The ability of two indigenous bacteria isolated from Moroccan olive tree to promote the growth of olive seedlings in the presence of the pathogen
Verticillium dahliae
How anthropogenic changes may affect soil-borne parasite diversity? Plant-parasitic nematode communities associated with olive trees in Morocco as a case study