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Using superior plant growth-promoting microorganisms through bioprospecting to create inoculants for peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) farming

Dibor Ndiaye Béatrice, Thiao Mouhamed, Cissoko Maimouna, Ndiaye Malick, Niang Nogaye, Thiao Mansour, Fall Saliou, Ndao Sylla Samba and Sene Godar
African Journal of Agricultural Research 20 (9) 736 (2024)

Antifungal Activity of Cyperus articulatus, Cyperus rotundus and Lippia alba Essential Oils against Aspergillus flavus Isolated from Peanut Seeds

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Overview of the establishment and uses of Ricinodendron heudelotii (Euphorbiaceae): focus on the central and southern regions of Ivory Coast

Diakaridja Nikiema, Zéphirin Mouloungui, Koua Oi Koua, Bertrand Sandjon, Christine Raynaud, Muriel Cerny, Jean-François Fabre, Othmane Merah, Éric Lacroux, Ané Adjou and Romain Valentin
OCL 31 12 (2024)

Growth promotion and yield attribute improvement of five groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) varieties by the application of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria

Sene Godar, Dibor Ndiaye Béatrice, Cissoko Maimouna, Niang Nogaye, Ndiaye Cheikh, Fall Saliou and Ndao Sylla Samba
African Journal of Agricultural Research 19 (12) 1151 (2023)

Effect of utilizing peanut husk ash on the properties of ultra-high strength concrete

Mahmoud H. Abd-Elrahman, Ibrahim Saad Agwa, Sahar A. Mostafa and Osama Youssf
Construction and Building Materials 384 131398 (2023)

The input reduction principle of agroecology is wrong when it comes to mineral fertilizer use in sub-Saharan Africa

Gatien N Falconnier, Rémi Cardinael, Marc Corbeels, Frédéric Baudron, Pauline Chivenge, Antoine Couëdel, Aude Ripoche, François Affholder, Krishna Naudin, Emilie Benaillon, Leonard Rusinamhodzi, Louise Leroux, Bernard Vanlauwe and Ken E Giller
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Inoculation effectiveness of native and exotic Bradyrhizobium species strains in a Senegalese agricultural soil: A comparison on modern and traditional peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) cultivars

Sene Godar, Top Nibourou, Cissoko Maimouna, Niang Nogaye, Ndiaye Cheikh, Faye Issa, Thiao Mansour, Fall Saliou and Ndao Sylla Samba
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Indigenous farming practices increase millet yields in Senegal, West Africa

Jean B. Faye, Anya M. Hopple and Scott D. Bridgham
Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 45 (2) 159 (2021)

Impact de différentes politiques publiques sur l'intensification agroécologique et les inégalités de revenu dans le Bassin arachidier du Sénégal

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Genetic diversity and symbiotic efficiency of rhizobial strains isolated from nodules of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) in Senegal

Arlette Zaiya Zazou, Daniel Fonceka, Saliou Fall, et al.
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 265 384 (2018)

L’émergence de nouvelles coopératives semencières au Sénégal – Analyse de l’impact de la recherche-développement sur l’arachide de 1999 à 2016

Danièle Clavel and Matar Gaye
Cahiers Agricultures 27 (1) 15008 (2018)

Simulation of the impact of climate change on peanut yield in Senegal

Badara Sarr Alioune and Camara Moctar
International Journal of Physical Sciences 13 (5) 79 (2018)

Du Ferlo au Bassin arachidier (Sénégal) : analyse de la composition floristique de la végétation envisagée comme ressource et comme indicatrice des changements socio-environnementaux

Ababacar Fall
Physio-Géo (Volume 11) 65 (2017)