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Sustainable alternative to irrigated maize monoculture in a maize-dominated cropped area: Lessons learned from a system experiment

Christian Bockstaller, Aimé Blatz, Olivier Rapp, Rémi Koller, Sophie Slezack and Anne Schaub
Heliyon 10 (10) e30400 (2024)

Unveiling the Bounty: A Systematic Synthesis of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in Mediterranean Lentil and Chickpea Cultivation Through Alternative Pulse Systems

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A predictive indicator assessing effect of cropping system and surrounding landscape on biodiversity

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Integrative Sustainability Analysis of European Pig Farms: Development of a Multi-Criteria Assessment Tool

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Diversity and drivers of crop diversification pathways of European farms

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Is biodiversity linked with farm management options in vineyard landscapes? A case study combining ecological indicators within a hybrid modelling framework

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Environmental Sustainability Assessment of Pig Farms in Selected European Countries: Combining LCA and Key Performance Indicators for Biodiversity Assessment

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Implementation of the concept of sustainable intensification to a real farm – Was its development over 17 years a sustainable intensification?

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Construction and Empirical Verification of the Agri-Environmental Index (AEI) as a Tool for Assessing the Green Performance of Agriculture

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Sustainability Assessment of Annual and Permanent Crops: The Inspia Model

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Sustainability assessment of potato fields using the DEXi decision support system in Hamadan Province, Iran

Mohammed Ebrahim Rezaei, Morteza Barmaki and Hadi Veisi
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Ecobordure: A flora-based indicator to assess vegetation patterns of field margins and infer its local drivers. Design in Brittany (France)

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A tool to design fuzzy decision trees for sustainability assessment

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Assessing the sustainability of crop production systems: Toward a common framework?

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Assessing the sustainability of cropping systems in single- and multi-site studies. A review of methods

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Measurement of sustainability in agriculture: a review of indicators

Laure Latruffe, Ambre Diazabakana, Christian Bockstaller, et al.
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Gestion agronomique des parcelles et des systèmes de culture : un élément clé pour la production durable des cultures oléagineuses et pour l’orientation des programmes de recherche/développement

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Issues in evaluating sustainability of farming systems with indicators

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A vegetation-based indicator to assess the pollination value of field margin flora

Charles Ricou, Chloé Schneller, Bernard Amiaud, Sylvain Plantureux and Christian Bockstaller
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Tools for evaluating and regulating nitrogen impacts in livestock farming systems

C. Bockstaller, F. Vertès, J.-L. Fiorelli, P. Rochette and H.F.M. Aarts
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