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Laurelee M. Boon, Sierra R. Bamert, Effrat L. Fayer, Chelsea L. Coley, Shannon M. Henry, Diana M. Cermak and Steven C. Cermak Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society 101(3) 335 (2024)
Dhirendra Singh, K. Sivaraman, Ravindra Singh, A. C. Shivran, Mandvi Singh and G. L. Kumawat 2085 (2024)
Cold‐pressing, ethanol defatting, and saline extraction enhances properties of protein products from new pennycress varieties (covercress™)
Milagros P. Hojilla‐Evangelista, Roque L. Evangelista, Gordon W. Selling and Tim N. Ulmasov Sustainable Food Proteins 2(3) 125 (2024)
Extraction and properties of proteins in covercress™, new pennycress varieties developed as cover crop and alternative plant protein source
Milagros P. Hojilla‐Evangelista, Roque L. Evangelista, Gordon W. Selling and Tim Ulmasov Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society 100(4) 329 (2023)
The CLAVATA3/ESR-related peptide family in the biofuel crop pennycress
Analyses of the oil content, fatty acid composition, and antioxidant activity in seeds of Thlaspi arvense L. from different provenances and correlations with environmental factors
Technologies enabling rapid crop improvements for sustainable agriculture: example pennycress (Thlaspi arvense L.)
Joseph M. Jez, Christopher N. Topp, M. David Marks, Ratan Chopra and John C. Sedbrook Emerging Topics in Life Sciences 5(2) 325 (2021)
The adaptable use of Brassica NIRS calibration equations to identify pennycress variants to facilitate the rapid domestication of a new winter oilseed crop
Ratan Chopra, Nicole Folstad, Joseph Lyons, et al. Industrial Crops and Products 128 55 (2019)
Ratan Chopra, Evan B. Johnson, Ryan Emenecker, Edgar B. Cahoon, Joe Lyons, Daniel J. Kliebenstein, Erin Daniels, Kevin M. Dorn, Maliheh Esfahanian, Nicole Folstad, Katherine Frels, Michaela McGinn, Matthew Ott, Cynthia Gallaher, Kayla Altendorf, Alexandra Berroyer, Baraem Ismail, James A. Anderson, Donald L. Wyse, Tim Umaslov, John C. Sedbrook and M. David Marks (2019)
Preparation and Properties of Solution Cast Films From Pennycress Protein Isolate
Gordon W. Selling, Mila Hojilla‐Evangelista, William T. Hay, Kelly D. Utt and Gary D. Grose Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society 95(8) 1091 (2018)
Nutritive value and the maximum inclusion level of pennycress meal for broiler chickens
Extraction, Composition and Functional Properties of Pennycress (Thlaspi arvense L.) Press Cake Protein
Mila P. Hojilla‐Evangelista, Gordon W. Selling, Mark A. Berhow and Roque L. Evangelista Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society 92(6) 905 (2015)
Emergence of field pennycress (Thlaspi arvense L.): Comparison of two accessions and modelling
Registration of Katelyn Thlaspi arvense
L. (Pennycress) with Improved Nondormant Traits
Terry A. Isbell, Steven C. Cermak, David A. Dierig, Fred J. Eller and Laura F. Marek Journal of Plant Registrations 9(2) 212 (2015)
Metabolite fingerprinting of pennycress (Thlaspi arvenseL.) embryos to assess active pathways during oil synthesis
Enkhtuul Tsogtbaatar, Jean-Christophe Cocuron, Marcos Corchado Sonera and Ana Paula Alonso Journal of Experimental Botany 66(14) 4267 (2015)
Cuphea Oil as a Potential Biodiesel Feedstock to Improve Fuel Properties