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Synthesis of lesquerella‐based bisphosphonates

Laurelee M. Boon, Sierra R. Bamert, Effrat L. Fayer, Chelsea L. Coley, Shannon M. Henry, Diana M. Cermak and Steven C. Cermak
Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society 101 (3) 335 (2024)

Cold‐pressing, ethanol defatting, and saline extraction enhances properties of protein products from new pennycress varieties (covercress™)

Milagros P. Hojilla‐Evangelista, Roque L. Evangelista, Gordon W. Selling and Tim N. Ulmasov
Sustainable Food Proteins 2 (3) 125 (2024)

Extraction and properties of proteins in covercress™, new pennycress varieties developed as cover crop and alternative plant protein source

Milagros P. Hojilla‐Evangelista, Roque L. Evangelista, Gordon W. Selling and Tim Ulmasov
Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society 100 (4) 329 (2023)

The Genus Cuphea P. Browne as a Source of Biologically Active Phytochemicals for Pharmaceutical Application and Beyond—A Review

Danuta Sobolewska, Klaudia Michalska, Dagmara Wróbel-Biedrawa, et al.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24 (7) 6614 (2023)

Research progress on the development of pennycress (Thlaspi arvense L.) as a new seed oil crop: a review

Jianyu Ma, Haoyu Wang and Yuhong Zhang
Frontiers in Plant Science 14 (2023)

The economics and policy of genome editing in crop improvement

Nicholas Kalaitzandonakes, Christopher Willig and Kenneth Zahringer
The Plant Genome 16 (2) (2023)

Analyses of the oil content, fatty acid composition, and antioxidant activity in seeds of Thlaspi arvense L. from different provenances and correlations with environmental factors

Jingguo Liu, Min Chen, Yuhong Zhang and Baojiang Zheng
Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture 9 (1) (2022)

Harvest attributes and seed quality predict physiological maturity of pennycress

Julija A. Cubins, Samantha S. Wells, Maninder K. Walia, et al.
Industrial Crops and Products 176 114355 (2022)

Imaging Zn and Ni distributions in leaves of different ages of the hyperaccumulator Noccaea caerulescens by synchrotron-based X-ray fluorescence

Clistenes Williams Araujo do Nascimento, Dean Hesterberg and Ryan Tappero
Journal of Hazardous Materials 408 124813 (2021)

Technologies enabling rapid crop improvements for sustainable agriculture: example pennycress (Thlaspi arvense L.)

Joseph M. Jez, Christopher N. Topp, M. David Marks, Ratan Chopra and John C. Sedbrook
Emerging Topics in Life Sciences 5 (2) 325 (2021)

Generating Pennycress (Thlaspi arvense) Seed Triacylglycerols and Acetyl-Triacylglycerols Containing Medium-Chain Fatty Acids

Maliheh Esfahanian, Tara J. Nazarenus, Meghan M. Freund, et al.
Frontiers in Energy Research 9 (2021)

Techno-economic analysis of hydroprocessed renewable jet fuel production from pennycress oilseed

Seyed Hashem Mousavi-Avval and Ajay Shah
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 149 111340 (2021)

Oilseeds to biodiesel and renewable jet fuel: an overview of feedstock production, logistics, and conversion

Asmita Khanal and Ajay Shah
Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining 15 (3) 913 (2021)

Identification and stacking of crucial traits required for the domestication of pennycress

Ratan Chopra, Evan B. Johnson, Ryan Emenecker, et al.
Nature Food 1 (1) 84 (2020)

High throughput phenotyping of Camelina sativa seeds for crude protein, total oil, and fatty acids profile by near infrared spectroscopy

James V. Anderson, Alex Wittenberg, Hui Li and Marisol T. Berti
Industrial Crops and Products 137 501 (2019)

Management of pennycress as a winter annual cash cover crop. A review

Julija A. Cubins, M. Scott Wells, Katherine Frels, et al.
Agronomy for Sustainable Development 39 (5) (2019)

The adaptable use of Brassica NIRS calibration equations to identify pennycress variants to facilitate the rapid domestication of a new winter oilseed crop

Ratan Chopra, Nicole Folstad, Joseph Lyons, et al.
Industrial Crops and Products 128 55 (2019)

Ratan Chopra, Evan B. Johnson, Ryan Emenecker, Edgar B. Cahoon, Joe Lyons, Daniel J. Kliebenstein, Erin Daniels, Kevin M. Dorn, Maliheh Esfahanian, Nicole Folstad, Katherine Frels, Michaela McGinn, Matthew Ott, Cynthia Gallaher, Kayla Altendorf, Alexandra Berroyer, Baraem Ismail, James A. Anderson, Donald L. Wyse, Tim Umaslov, John C. Sedbrook and M. David Marks

Preparation and Properties of Solution Cast Films From Pennycress Protein Isolate

Gordon W. Selling, Mila Hojilla‐Evangelista, William T. Hay, Kelly D. Utt and Gary D. Grose
Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society 95 (8) 1091 (2018)

Nutritive value and the maximum inclusion level of pennycress meal for broiler chickens

R.A. Alhotan, R.L. Wang, R.A. Holser and G.M. Pesti
Poultry Science 96 (7) 2281 (2017)

Registration of Elizabeth Thlaspi arvense L. (Pennycress) with Improved Nondormant Traits

Terry A. Isbell, Steven C. Cermak and Laura F. Marek
Journal of Plant Registrations 11 (3) 311 (2017)

Flash Pyrolysis of Oleaginous Biomass in a Fluidized-Bed Reactor

Brook Urban, Yaser Shirazi, Balakrishna Maddi, Sridhar Viamajala and Sasidhar Varanasi
Energy & Fuels 31 (8) 8326 (2017)

Preparation and Fuel Properties of Field Pennycress (Thlaspi arvense) Seed Oil Ethyl Esters and Blends with Ultralow-Sulfur Diesel Fuel

Bryan R. Moser, Roque L. Evangelista and Terry A. Isbell
Energy & Fuels 30 (1) 473 (2016)

Extraction, Composition and Functional Properties of Pennycress (Thlaspi arvense L.) Press Cake Protein

Mila P. Hojilla‐Evangelista, Gordon W. Selling, Mark A. Berhow and Roque L. Evangelista
Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society 92 (6) 905 (2015)

Emergence of field pennycress (Thlaspi arvense L.): Comparison of two accessions and modelling

Aritz Royo-Esnal, Jevgenija Necajeva, Joel Torra, Jordi Recasens and Russ W Gesch
Industrial Crops and Products 66 161 (2015)

Registration of Katelyn Thlaspi arvense L. (Pennycress) with Improved Nondormant Traits

Terry A. Isbell, Steven C. Cermak, David A. Dierig, Fred J. Eller and Laura F. Marek
Journal of Plant Registrations 9 (2) 212 (2015)

Metabolite fingerprinting of pennycress (Thlaspi arvenseL.) embryos to assess active pathways during oil synthesis

Enkhtuul Tsogtbaatar, Jean-Christophe Cocuron, Marcos Corchado Sonera and Ana Paula Alonso
Journal of Experimental Botany 66 (14) 4267 (2015)

Preparation, composition and functional properties of pennycress (Thlaspi arvense L.) seed protein isolates

Mila P. Hojilla-Evangelista, Gordon W. Selling, Mark A. Berhow and Roque L. Evangelista
Industrial Crops and Products 55 173 (2014)

Extraction of proteins from pennycress seeds and press cake

Gordon W. Selling, Mila P. Hojilla-Evangelista, Roque L. Evangelista, et al.
Industrial Crops and Products 41 113 (2013)

Effects of cold-pressing and seed cooking on functional properties of protein in pennycress (Thlaspi arvense L.) seed and press cakes

Mila P. Hojilla-Evangelista, Roque L. Evangelista, Terry A. Isbell and Gordon W. Selling
Industrial Crops and Products 45 223 (2013)

Extraction of pennycress (Thlaspi arvense L.) seed oil by full pressing

Roque L. Evangelista, Terry A. Isbell and Steven C. Cermak
Industrial Crops and Products 37 (1) 76 (2012)