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Trading future sustainable livelihoods for present gain: labour dynamics, opportunities, challenges and sustainability of virgin coconut oil processing businesses in the wake of coconut exports from Southwestern Ghana
Assessment of coastal and marine ecosystems in West Africa: The case of Ghana
Richard Takyi, Badr El Mahrad, Cynthia Addo, John Essandoh, Mohamed ElHadary, Richard Adade, Eddiebright Joseph Buadi, Benjamin Osei Botwe and Francis Kofi Ewusie Nunoo Marine Pollution Bulletin 197 115735 (2023)
Plant resistance to pests and diseases: potency in coconut
Analyzing Variations in Size and Intensities in Land Use Dynamics for Sustainable Land Use Management: A Case of the Coastal Landscapes of South-Western Ghana
Sustainable Management of Phytoplasma Diseases in Crops Grown in the Tropical Belt
J. Bila, A. Mondjana, B. Samils, L. Santos and N. Hogberg Sustainability in Plant and Crop Protection, Sustainable Management of Phytoplasma Diseases in Crops Grown in the Tropical Belt 12 233 (2019)
Multilocus Sequence Analysis Reveals Three Distinct Populations of “
Phytoplasma palmicola” with a Specific Geographical Distribution on the African Continent
Fabian Pilet, Robert Nketsia Quaicoe, Isaac Jesuorobo Osagie, et al. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 85(8) (2019)
The Coconut Palm (Cocos nucifera L.) - Research and Development Perspectives
J. J. Solomon, Vinayaka Hegde, Merin Babu and L. Geetha The Coconut Palm (Cocos nucifera L.) - Research and Development Perspectives 519 (2018)
Comparative PCR analyses for the detection of the Cape St. Paul wilt disease phytoplasma in coconut palms in Ghana
Sylvester A. Obeng‐Darko, Robert N Quaicoe, Egya N. Yankey and Peter Twumasi Journal of Phytopathology 166(7-8) 477 (2018)
Detection and differentiation of the coconut lethal yellowing phytoplasma in coconut‐growing villages of Grand‐Lahou, Côte d'Ivoire
Y. A. Rosete, H. A. Diallo, J. L. Konan Konan, N. Yankey, M. Saleh, F. Pilet, N. Contaldo, S. Paltrinieri, A. Bertaccini and J. Scott Annals of Applied Biology 170(3) 333 (2017)
Coconut Lethal Yellowing Diseases: A Phytoplasma Threat to Palms of Global Economic and Social Significance