Issue |
Volume 19, Number 4, Juillet-Août 2012
Page(s) | 232 - 237 | |
Section | Cosmétique | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 15 July 2012 |
Huiles et beurres de pulpes de fruits : revue des principales sources exploitées, teneurs en insaponifiables, propriétés et usages traditionnels d’intérêt cosmétique
Pulpy fruit oils and fats: Review of the main sources, unsaponifiable contents, properties and traditional uses related to interest in cosmetics
ARDEX Sarl, 31 rue des frères
77 100
Universités d’angers, de Rennes-1 et de Tours
Approximately fifteen pulpy fruits are widely used as sources of fats. Most of these fruits are provided from plants belong to the family Arecaceae. Fats from pulps surrounding seeds have composition including various unsaponifiable matters often including significant quantities of carotenoids. Others chemical families (e.g. tocopherols) are sometime in interesting contents among unsaponifiable material. Physiological effects and the traditional uses in topical applications of these oils are reported
Key words: fats / vegetable oils / unsaponifiable matter / contents / fruit pulp / mesocarp / traditional use / cosmetics
© John Libbey Eurotext 2012
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