Open Access

Table 3

Dairy products prepared by flaxseed fortification in different forms and at different concentrations.

Product name Flaxseed form Processing method Amount of supplementation Reference
Dahi (Indian Yogurt) Microencapsulated flaxseed oil powder (MEFOP) Fermentation 1–3% Goyal et al., 2016
Ice cream Flaxseed oil Freezing 0–12% Goh et al., 2006
Cheese Flaxseed lignan (SDG) Pasteurization and fermentation 1 g/10 L Hyvarinen et al., 2006
Yogurt Flaxseed lignan (SDG) Fermentation 100 mg Hyvarinen et al., 2006
Milk Flaxseed lignan (SDG) Heat treatment 1% Hyvarinen et al., 2006
Whey drinks Flaxseed lignan (SDG) Pasteurization 10 mg/100 ml Hyvarinen et al., 2006
Butter Flaxseed additive 0.8–1.6% Ivanov et al., 2011

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