Open Access

Table 1

Sunflower yield variation in Europe at different time horizons and without adaptation for a range of studies varying by crop models, scenarios of greenhouse gases emissions and regional climatic models.

Reference GGE scenario GCM/RCM Baseline Time horizon Crop model Simulation conditions European regions Yield variation
Harrison and Butterfield (1996) UKHI
UKTR 31–40
UKTR 66–75
1961–1990 2023
EuroSunfl Water-limited yields (no irrigation) Europe
North of 45°N
South of 45°N
+4% to −39%
+8% to −28%
−11% to −25%
+41% to −4%
Tubiello et al. (2000) [CO2]: 350 – 700 ppm (+4 °C; +10% precipitation); 2 GCM (GISS, GFDL)
statistical downscaling
1952–1991 + weather generator (50 yr baseline) n.a CropSyst Water-limited yields (no irrigation) Foggia (Southern Italy) 0 to −6%
Guilioni et al. (2010) A1B (SRES) GCM: ARPEGE + 3 downscaling methods 1971–2000 (FP) 2020–2050
(FL) 2070–2100
STICS Water-limited yields (no irrigation) 6 locations in France (FP) 0 to −14%
(FL) +3% to −3%
Valverde et al. (2015) A2, A1B, B1 16 IPCC models + 5 climate change scenarios 1961–1990 (1) 2011–2040
(2) 2041–2070
ISAREG Water-limited yields (no irrigation Portugal (Alentejo) (1) −9% to −10%
(2) −11% to −18%
Moriondo et al. (2011) A2 (SRES) – 550 ppm
B2 (SRES) – 700 ppm
RCM: HadRM3P 1961–1990 (350 ppm) 2071–2100 CropSyst
CropSyst modified
Water-limited yields (no irrigation) Mediterranean zone
+34° to +47° lat N
-10° to +30 ° long E
A2: −6% to −21%
B2: −10% to −22%
A2: −24% to −46%
B2: −25% to −41%
Donatelli et al. (2012) A1B (SRES) GCM/RCM:
2000 (355 ppm) 2020 (400 ppm)
2030 (420 ppm)
CropSyst Water-limited yields (no irrigation) Europe (EU – 12 main producers) HadCM3: 0 to −6% (2020); −6% to −14% (2030)
ECHAM5: 0 to −20% (2020); −6% to −25% (2030)
Olivier et al. (2016) A2
1971–1990 2046–2065 Aquacrop No precipitation and [CO2] changes Ukraine
GCM31: −33% to +56%
MIROC32: −87% to +63%

Including heat stress effect on harvest index.

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