Issue |
Volume 18, Number 3, Mai-Juin 2011
Dossier : Biodiversité et cultures végétales (approches)
Page(s) | 158 - 167 | |
Section | Agronomie – Environnement | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 15 May 2011 |
La biodiversité dans les systèmes d’exploitation agricole : le projet IBIS
Chargée de projets environnement-biodiversité, Chambre régionale d’agriculture du Centre, 13, avenue des Droits de l’Homme, 45921
Orleans cedex 9, France
The ‘‘IBIS’’ project (acronym for IBIS – to Integrate BIodiversity in farm management Systems) enabled from January 2008 to December 2010 to develop methods and tools to advise on biodiversity at farm scale. This interregional project carried out by the Chambre r_egionale d’agriculture du Centre (Chamber of Agriculture of the Centre region) was based on a strong collaboration between organisations dealing with farming development, environment, wildlife management, research and education. The project relied on the support of 80 volunteer farmers (cereal producers and cow breeders), which tested the method of farm diagnosis with the help of agricultural technicians and naturalists. This work pointed up the importance for advisors to understand globally how each farm works and the relevance of crossed agricultural and naturalistic competences.
Key words: biodiversity / farm / advice / diagnosis
© John Libbey Eurotext 2011
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