Table 5

Macroscopic appearance, stability and pH of various emulsions produced.

Emulsions formulas B1 B2 B3 T1 T2 T3 FR
Stability In day (D0) of formulation stable stable stable stable stable stable stable
  After 60 days stable stable stable stable stable stable stable
pH 4.458 4.178 4.531 4.534 4.626 4.225 2.89  
  Texture Emulsiony Emulsiony Emulsiony Emulsiony Emulsiony Emulsiony Emulsiony
  Order Aroma of lentisk Aroma of lentisk Aroma of lentisk Aroma of lentisk Aroma of lentisk Aroma of lentisk /
  Color Pale yellow Pale yellow Dark yellow Pale yellow Pale yellow Dark yellow White

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