Rapeseed / Colza
Open Access

Table 3

ISSR primers and amplification results of 20 ISSR primers used for the molecular characterization of 22 rapeseed varieties.

F1 43 184-1122 19 18 1 94.74 17.05 6.41 0.38
F2 58 192-808 14 9 5 64.29 5.79 2.07 0.36
F3 43 270-934 15 11 4 73.33 8.07 3.4 0.42
F4 58 167-1329 20 16 4 80 12.8 4.57 0.36
F8 56 161-1249 22 18 4 81.82 14.73 6.08 0.41
F9 43 237-765 13 9 4 69.23 6.23 2.43 0.39
F11 56 176-718 17 16 1 94.12 15.06 4.44 0.3
F16 58 238-1220 18 14 4 77.78 10.89 3.82 0.35
IMA-5-Z 56 171-966 18 16 2 88.89 14.22 4.72 0.33
IMA9Z 56 185-726 11 11 0 100 11 3.7 0.34
IMA834z 50 175-911 16 13 3 81.25 10.56 4.54 0.43
IMA8Z 50 166-935 15 14 1 93.33 13.07 4.9 0.38
IMA834-2 50 175-1122 15 10 5 66.67 6.67 3.39 0.51
UBC808-2 50 193-984 19 11 8 57.89 6.37 2.28 0.36
UBC810 50 190-929 16 13 3 81.25 10.56 3.35 0.32
UBC850 50 265-1311 14 11 3 78.57 8.64 2.78 0.32
UBC856 56 137-985 15 14 1 93.33 13.07 4.48 0.34
IMA12-2 56 210-1085 16 15 1 93.75 14.06 5.23 0.37
ISS F1 50 299-1213 14 13 1 92.86 12.07 3.69 0.31
ISSR1 56 183-717 12 8 4 66.67 5.33 2.13 0.4
Average 52.25 15.95 13 2.95 81.4885 10.812 3.9205 0.369

AT: annealing temperatures; SB: size of bands (bp); TNB: total number of bands; NPB: number of polymorphic bands; NMB: number of monomorphic bands; PPB: percentage of polymorphic bands; EMR: effective multiple ratio; MI: marker index; PIC: polymorphic information content.

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