Table 5
The volatile aroma compounds composition of the cold-pressed mahalep seed oil (Mean ± SE).
RI† (min) | Volatile compound | Aroma definition†† | Peak area (Mean ± SE) | Peak value (%) |
1.382 | Ethyl alcohol | Alcohol, medicine | 86 605 ± 3300 | 0.15 |
1.476 | Ethyl ether | Etheral | 352 355 ± 13 076 | 0.60 |
1.539 | Methyl acetate | Etheral | 218 698 ± 27 500 | 0.38 |
1.805 | n-Butanal | Pungent, green | 837 570 ± 55 050 | 1.44 |
1.833 | Acetic acid | Vinegar | 526 116 ± 48 932 | 0.90 |
2.345 | n-Butanol | Fruit, wine | 465 191 ± 33 700 | 0.80 |
2.727 | n-Pentanal | Almond, malt, pungent | 5 421 768 ± 10 300 | 9.30 |
3.345 | 3-Methyl-1-butanol | Fermented, fruity | 161 485 ± 8750 | 0.28 |
3.412 | 1-Butanol, 2-methyl | Ethereal, alcoholic, fatty, greasy, cocoa | 128 682 ± 56 700 | 0.22 |
3.964 | 1-Pentanol | Pungent, fermented, yeasty | 5 651 374 ± 49 927 | 9.69 |
4.690 | E-2-Hexenal | Green, banana, aldehydic | 1 378 654 ± 12 300 | 2.36 |
5.446 | Formic acid, pentyl ester | Sweet fruity, fresh, cognac | 120 974 ± 5505 | 0.21 |
5.636 | 2-Ethyl Hexanol | Citrus, fresh, floral, oily | 95 722 ± 3872 | 0.16 |
6.743 | n-Hexanol | Pungent, etherial, fusel oil, green | 726 270 ± 6005 | 1.25 |
7.400 | 2-Butylfuran | Faint, fruity, wine-like | 195 724 ± 17 540 | 0.34 |
7.550 | n-Hexanoic acid | Sour, fatty, cheese | 226 044 ± 7450 | 0.39 |
8.256 | Isoamyl acetate | Sweet fruity, banana, solvent | 253 879 ± 14 000 | 0.44 |
8.875 | trans-Sabinene hydrate | Woody, balsam | 71 493 ± 580 | 0.12 |
9.995 | 4-Methylnonane | Sweet, balsamic | 1 251 562 ± 1050 | 2.15 |
10.367 | 3-Methylnonane | Fruity, almond | 1 604 384 ± 1809 | 2.75 |
10.511 | 2-beta-Pinene | Woody, pine | 369 740 ± 12 900 | 0.63 |
11.215 | n-Hexanoic acid | Cheesy, sour | 85 824 ± 3476 | 0.15 |
11.385 | Cyclopentane, isopentyl- | Floral | 79 310 ± 1987 | 0.14 |
11.641 | alpha-Thujene | Woody, green, herb | 506 032 ± 21 040 | 0.87 |
11.741 | Delta-3-Carene | Citrus, terpenic, herbal, pine | 933 126 ± 18 780 | 1.60 |
12.350 | p-Cymene | Harsh chemical, woody and terpy-like | 1 305 242 ± 52 000 | 2.24 |
12.543 | Limonene | Citrus, lemon, green | 1 756 408 ± 1020 | 3.01 |
12.740 | Benzyl alcohol | Sweet, floral | 561 409 ± 1201 | 0.96 |
12.827 | n-Tetradecane | Mild waxy | 636 865 ± 875 | 1.09 |
12.975 | 2-Hexyl-1-octanol | Waxy | 399 764 ± 1735 | 0.69 |
13.374 | 2(3H)-Furanone, 5-ethyldihydro- | Sweet, creamy, lactonic | 64 923 ± 19 700 | 0.11 |
15.535 | n-Hexanal | Grass, fatty | 100 532 ± 11 070 | 0.17 |
15.985 | Heptane, 1,1’-oxybis- | Sweet, etheric | 59 254 ± 5300 | 0.10 |
17.876 | Docosane, 5-butyl- | Waxy | 58 075 ± 4761 | 0.10 |
19.734 | Trans, trans-Nona-2,4-Dienal | Fatty, melon, waxy, green | 71 344 ± 9850 | 0.12 |
20.680 | Cuminic aldehyde | Spicy, green, cumin-like | 74 179 ± 9500 | 0.13 |
20.761 | 2-Methyl-5-isopropenyl-2-cyclohexenone | Minty licorice | 91 806 ± 3815 | 0.16 |
27.377 | Coumarin | Sweet, hay, tonka | 1 431 389 ± 1370 | 2.46 |
††Aromatic definitions of the volatile compounds are found from the web pages of
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