Open Access

Table 2

Mean effect of year, variety, and nitrogen rate on dry matter, harvest index, oil content, and oil yield in rapeseed (averaged data over two years).

  Seed yield (g plant−1) Dry matter (g plant−1) Harvest index (%) Oil content (%)
Variety (V)
   Narjisse 9.29a 34.03a 26.35a,b 37.69c
   Moufida 9.70a 33.42a,b 26.99a,b 38.80b,c
   Alia 9.82a 34.78a 27.42a 39.85a
   Adila 9.31a 34.12a 25.84b,c 39.29b,a
   Lila 8.20b 31.47b 24.90c 40.11a
Nitrogen rate kg ha−1 (N)
   0 5.98b 25.43d 22.95c 41.08a
   30 7.08b 27.67c 24.19b 39.72b
   60 11.33a 38.05b 28.95a 37.99c
   90 12.04a 41.56a 28.43a 37.81c
   Year *** *** *** ***
   V * * *** ***
   N *** *** *** ***
   V × N ns * *** ns
   Y × N *** *** *** *
   Y × V ns ns ** ns
   Y × V × N ns * ** ns

ns: not significant; *, **, and ***: significant at 0.05, 0.01, and 0.001 probability level, respectively. For each main effect, values within columns followed by the same letters are not significantly different according to Duncan’s test

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