Open Access

Table 4

Processes flow chart for artificial pollination (NAA in liquid suspension − NAA in solid mixture).

Process Type of process Activity
5 Operation Getting ready equipment and inputs
Filling equipment with inputs
10 Transportation Walking from palm to palm, at the field
15 Decision making Does the inflorescence need to be treated?
1st time: go to activity 20
2nd, 3rd time: go to activity 25
20 Operation Open peduncular bracts
25 Operation Spraying the NAA on the inflorescence
30 Operation Labelling the leaf that holds the treated inflorescence
35 Transportation Walking around the palm, searching for other inflorescences to treat
40 Storage Recording the data on inflorescences treated in the palm (with a pencil on a paper form)
45 Decision making Is the NAA over?
Yes: go to activity 5
No: go to activity 50
50 Decision making End of the working day?
Yes: End of the working
No: go to activity 10
55 End of the working day  

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