Open Access
Table 3
Tools used for artificial pollination.
NAA solid mixture | NAA in liquid suspension | |
Tool and empty weight | Pneumatic pump: 593 g | Knapsack sprayer: 5.9 kg |
Spear (opening peduncular bracts − NAA spraying): 2.1 kg | Spear (NAA spraying): 600 g | |
Metal hook (opening peduncular bracts): 1.8 kg | ||
Capacity | 283 g | 20 L |
Spear length | 2 m | NAA spraying: 1.5 m |
Opening peduncular bracts: 2 m | ||
Description | Injection system: pneumatic pressure | Injection system: hydraulic pressure |
Pressure required: 4.4 psi | Pressure required: 40 psi | |
Material: Aluminium, iron (spear), plastic (pneumatic pump) | Nozzle: hollow cone (40 − 120 psi) | |
Pressure regulator: 29 psi |
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