Open Access

Table 2

Processes flow chart symbology.

Process Field’s labors
Operation An action is carried out. When it comes to artificial pollination of oil palms one may refer to applying NAA
Transportation Someone changes their location or moves something to a different position. When it comes to artificial pollination of oil palms one may refer to the action of walking from one palm to the next
Inspection Verification of quality features or amounts required. For the case of artificial pollination, inspection is required to find out inflorescences at phenological stages 607, 609, 703 that need to be treated
Time wasted (delay) Must be recorded when a circumstance occurs and it prevents the next process of being carried out. For instance, in the artificial pollination process the equipment requires minor repairs
Storage Something is put into a safe place. An example would be to return tools and inputs to the plantation storage at the end of the working day
Decision making The worker must decide. For instance, in the case of artificial pollination, the worker must decide whether it is necessary to refill the backpack sprayer pump

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