Soybean / Soja
Open Access

Table 1

Parameters values of Gompertz model estimated for each genotype.

Genotype A Kip Tip RRMSE
Isidor 36.0a,b 0.17a,b 12.1a,b,c 0.305
Pallador 40.6a 0.24a,b 13.5a,b,c 0.122
Sinema 58.9b,c 0.27a 12.0b 0.040
Sinfonia 41.2a 0.17a,b 13.7a,b,c 0.039
Steara 80.2b,c 0.15b,c 16.7a,c 0.072
Stocata 58.2b,c 0.23a,b 14.0a,c 0.052
Straviata 68.2c 0.18b 15.6c 0.062
Sumatra 64.3b,c 0.19a,b 14.9c 0.071
Wendy 39.7a 0.25a,b 13.4a 0.093

A is the asymptote corresponding to the maximum number of nodules, Kip is the nodulation rate at the inflexion point and Tip is the time at the inflection point of the curve. The value of RRMSE for each model is given. Letters indicate significant differences among genotypes (P < 0.05).

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