Table 3

Description of the ten proposals designed by farmers to manage camelina in the cropping systems.

Description of the proposal Management of the previous crop harvest and residues Sowing (date, rate, equipment) Fertilisation (date, amount, product) Irrigation (date, amount) Weeding (date, type of weeding, amount, equipment) Harvest date and installation of the following crop
1 Pure camelina as double crop after canned pea Pea harvest on June 15th, followed by the harvest of the pea tops
OR tillage (if the conditions are not favourable for pea tops harvest)
June 20th, sowing of camelina at 8 kg ha−1 (rotary harrow) Early/mid October
2 Pure camelina as double crop after canned pea Pea harvest on July 15th–20th July 20th, direct sowing of camelina at 10 kg ha−1 Early November
3 Pure camelina as double crop after winter barley Winter barley harvest on early July, then harvest of the barley straws Sowing of camelina, 2–3 days after the harvest of barley, at 8 to 10 kg ha−1 No nitrogen application
OR 10 t ha−1 of sugarbeet scums before camelina sowing
Harrowing in August OR application of a broadleaf herbicide at the stage “2 leaf” of the barley regrowth Late September or early October
OR mowing and windrowing of camelina
4 Pure camelina as double crop after winter barley Winter barley harvest on mid-July, then harvest of the barley straws July 20th, direct sowing of camelina with a disc seeder at 8–10 kg ha−1 Broadleaf herbicide (if necessary) Late October, and then sowing yellow mustard before sugarbeet or sunflower
5 Pure camelina as double crop after winter barley Winter barley harvest on early/mid-July 2–3 days after the harvest of barley, direct sowing of camelina with a disc seeder at 8 kg ha−1 Nitrogen and phosphate supply: 80 kg ha−1 of 18–46 at sowing Broadleaf herbicide (if necessary) Mid-October/early November and late sowing of the following wheat that allows avoiding aphid treatment and weed control
6 Pure camelina as relay crop after winter barley June 10th (or before), broadcast sowing of camelina at 10 kg ha−1 Nitrogen (30 kgN. ha−1) + sulphur + boron supply at the rosette stage OR
Application of 3 t ha−1 of chicken dropping (at the rosette stage right after barley harvest
Application of 0.4 l ha−1 of Pilote® (broadleaf herbicide) if barley regrowth is competitive September 10th–15th
7 Pure camelina as spring crop after an immature rye valorised through a methanation unit Rye silage on mid-May, then deep tillage but without turning the soil 1–2 days after the silage, sowing of camelina at 8 kg ha−1
OR direct sowing (depending on the harvest conditions of rye)
10 to 15 mm at sowing Late July/early August
8 Pure camelina as spring crop between two buckwheat cycles Chemical destruction of the cover crop (faba bean/oat/vetch) just after sowing camelina Late April/early May, direct sowing of camelina, in the cover crop, at 8 kg ha−1 Late July/early August. Broadcast sowing of the buckwheat in camelina crop just before the harvest
9 Pure camelina as spring crop after winter wheat Chemical destruction of the cover crop and realisation of a stale seed bed in March In April, direct sowing of camelina at 10 kg ha−1 Nitrogen and phosphate supply: localised application of 65 kg ha−1 of 18–46 at sowing In July; when camelina is mature
10 Spring camelina intercrop with spring pea or spring barley Destruction of the catch crop (mulching technique) March 10th–15th, sowing of the intercrop at 8 kg ha−1 (camelina), 15 kg ha−1 (spring barley) or 50 kg ha−1 (pea) Novall ® application if competitive buckwheat regrowth July 10th

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