Table 4

GC-MS identification of phytosterols and alkylsalicylic acids from unsaponifiable.

Ret.Time m/z Identification 3b Akbou 7b Elkala 8b Blida

Alkylsalicylic acids silyl esters Area % Area % Area %
11.683 374, 207, 193, 180, 165 C15:1 2 021 536 26.92 2 910 483 42.86 1 416 252 32.95
11.787 374, 207, 193, 180, 165 C15:1 298 418 3.97 294 500 4.34 216 470 5.04
11.851 376, 207, 193, 180, 165 C15:0 699 594 9.32 472 092 6.95 310 660 7.23
12.254 192, 143 NI 2 071 988 27.6 1 325 905 19.53 1 620 353 37.7
13.67 402, 180, 165 C17:1 1 480 699 19.72 1 092 044 16.08 507 068 11.8
13.765 402, 180, 165 C17:1 936 268 12.47 695 181 10.24 227 070 5.28

Phytosterols silyl esters

26.804 472, 382, 343, 207, 129 Campesterol, TMS 1 008 566 2.70 2 728 825 7.37 739 221 3.0
27.174 483, 393, 207 NI 323 628 0.87 257 251 0.69 0 0
28.025 484, 394, 355, 281, 207 Stigmasterol, TMS 427 520 1.14 1 885 985 5.10 265 877 1.10
29.123 483, 393, 281, 207 NI 491 899 1.32 381 210 1.03 0 0
30.155 484, 394, 355, 281, 207 NI 193 489 0.52 174 070 0.47 0 0
30.476 486, 396, 381, 357, 255 β-Sitosterol, TMS 19 841 066 53.09 22 865 500 61.79 16 281 468 67.57
31.205 386, 281, 207 NI 1 625 896 4.35 1 392 926 3.76 834 133 3.46
32.744 218, 189 Lupeol TMS 4 269 839 11.42 2 826 449 7.64 2 239 892 9.30
33.253 483, 393, 365, 339 NI 7 122 113 19.06 2 761 691 7.46 2 148 576 8.92
36.330 483, 422, 407, 379, 281 NI 2 030 622 5.43 1 730 922 4.68 1 584 655 6.58

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