Table 2

Surface activity parameters of surfactants at 25 °C.

Surfactant CMC (mmol. l−1) γcmc (mN.m−1) Γmax x 1010 (−2) pC20 CMC/C20 Amin2)
C12–Sulfatea 8.200 39.5 3.16 2.51 2.6 53
C12-14–EO2–Sulfateb 0.349 26.5 3.51 4.70 17.5c 47
C12–PO4–Sulfatea 0.420 40.0 1.00 4.44 11.6 166
C12–PO8–Sulfatea 0.078 35.5 1.08 5.47 23.0 154
C12–PO12–Sulfatea 0.043 33.7 1.01 5.99 42.2 164

calculated from the original data of Lv et al. (2018).

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