Table 1

Extended surfactants investigated in the scientific literature relative to vegetable oils solubilization.

x y z Head Oils References
10 10, 14, 18 2 Sodium sulfate Triolein, Canola, Peanut, Olive, Corn, Soybean Do et al. (2009)
12 10, 12, 14 2
16 2.9, 4.5, 5.5, 8.2, 10.7 0
10 10, 14, 18 2 Sodium sulfate Triolein, Canola, Peanut Do and Sabatini (2010)
12 10, 12, 14 2
16 2.9, 4.5, 5.5, 8.2, 10.7 0
10 18 2 Sodium sulfate Peanut, Canola Do and Sabatini (2011) and Do et al. (2014a, b)
10 18 2 Sodium sulfate Corn Kadioglu et al. (2011)
12–14 10 2
10 18 2 Sodium sulfate Cottonseed Petts et al. (2017)
12 6, 10, 14 2 Sodium sulfate Soy Miñana-Perez et al. (1995)
12 14 2 Sodium sulfate Canola, Peanut, Triolein Witthayapanyanon et al. (2006)
12–13 8 0
14–15 8 0
12–13 4, 8 0 Sodium sulfate Tricaprylin, Canola Phan et al. (2010a, b)
14–15 5, 8 0 Sodium sulfate Palm kernel Naksuk et al. (2009)
14–15 8 0 Sodium sulfate Canola Phan et al. (2010a, b)
14–15 8 0 Sodium sulfate Canola, Peanut, Olive Phan et al. (2010a, b)
14–15 4, 8 0 Sodium sulfate Canola Attaphong and Sabatini (2017)
16–17 4 2, 5 Sodium carboxylate Canola Attaphong et al. (2012)
16–18 4 2, 5

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