Rapeseed / Colza
Open Access

Table 3

Analysis of variance (mean square and significance level of differences) for root and physiological parameters of four rapeseed varieties evaluated under waterlogged pot conditions at different plant growth stages (five treatments) during 2015.

Source of variation Degree of freedom Parameters

Treatment (T) 4 204.05*** 20.18* 17.96* 0.73* 295.63*** 160.78 ns 0.88*** 7.00 ns
Variety (V) 3 29.46 ns 5.24 ns 4.43 ns 1.92*** 0.11 ns 165.35 ns 0.47* 13.66 ns
T × V 12 74.80* 9.40 ns 22.76*** 1.00*** 13.80 ns 216.19 ns 0.36* 16.50 ns

ROL: root length (cm); ROV: root volume (mL); ROW: root weight (g); ARW: adventitious roots weight (g); CCA: chlorophyll content a (mg/g); CCB: chlorophyll content b (mg/g); PRC: proline content (mg/g); SOC: seed oil content (%); * and ***: significant at 0.05, and 0.001 levels, respectively; ns: not significant.

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