Rapeseed / Colza
Open Access

Table 4

Effect of different concentrations/doses of chemical mutagen (EMS) and physical mutagen (Gamma rays) and combined mutagen treatment in M2 generation on quantitative traits in rapeseed evaluated in the Experimental Station of Sidi Allal Tazi (ATZ).

Treatments Days to flowering Days to maturity Plant height (cm) Number of branches / plant Number of pods / plant Number of seeds / pod Pod length (mm) Pod diameter (mm) 1000-seed weight
Control 84.6ab 111bcd 111.8ab 5.5a 191.5abc 24.35ab 61.91abc 3.78a 1.62cde
EMS1-6 75.8d 107.1cd 109.7ab 6.5a 186.2abcd 24.7a 63.64ab 3.45ab 1.86bcde
EMS1-7 77.4cd 105.8d 92.9abc 7.1a 212.4a 23.31abc 60.41abc 3.45ab 2.45abc
EMS1-14 89a 121a 95abc 5.33a 102.33bcd 22.39abc 62.89ab 2.74d 1.16e
EMS1.2-6 85.3ab 115.6ab 88.6bc 3.9a 117.5abcd 22.77abc 58.3abc 3.45ab 1.62cde
EMS1.2-7 82abcd 110.2bcd 91.5bc 7.3a 203.6ab 24.92a 64.62a 3.28bc 2.28abcd
EMS1.2-14 88.4a 120a 86bc 5.3a 101.7bcd 20.1cd 53.47c 3.51ab 1.36de
EMS1.4-6 84.3abc 110.8bcd 113ab 6.7a 135.1abcd 22.34abc 59.57abc 3.59ab 2.15abcd
EMS1.4-14 84abc 114abc 73.33c 5.33a 91cd 17.64d 42.7d 2.97bc 1.55cde
EMS1.6-6 84.7ab 115.1ab 98.7abc 7.6a 151.8abcd 20.3bcd 57.42abc 3.6ab 1.95abcde
1300 Gy 84abc 110bcd 125a 7.56a 186.56abcd 22.12abc 59.98abc 3.34abc 2.89a
CombT 80.5bcd 108bcd 72.5c 4.5a 82.5d 23.17abc 55.16bc 2.9cd 2.65ab

Concentrations/doses of treatments used are explained and described in Table 1.

Values with different alphabetical superscripts are significantly different (p ≤ 0.05) according to DMRT.

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