Table 3

Confectionary sunflower production values in major provinces of Turkey in 2016 (Anonymous, 2017b).

Provinces Production area (da) Production (Metric tons) Yield (kg/da)
Ankara 258 217 27 799 108
Denizli 159 370 32 155 202
Kayseri 97 086 20 341 210
Kırıkkale 82 035 6 004 73
Yozgat 78 802 7 906 100
Kahramanmaraş 63 100 19 515 309
Kırsehir 48 650 4 681 96
Aksaray 47 660 10 323 217
Bursa 37 680 10 592 281
Afyon 28 560 3 564 125
Konya 25 128 7 038 280
Eskisehir 19 058 4306 226
Erzurum 16 504 3 938 239
Karaman 15 418 1 402 109
Bilecik 14 910 2 330 156
Corum 11 528 3 021 262

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