Open Access

Table 2

The proximate analysis of peanuts varieties (on dry matter basis).

Parameters Peanut varieties*

NC (control) Line 27r Line 9 Line 4 Line 18
Moisture content (%) 3.93a** ± 0.21 4.51bc ± 0.14 4.27b ± 0.12 4.82c ± 0.42 4.85c ± 0.37
Oil content (%) 51.16b ± 0.83 50.52a ± 0.70 52.12c ± 0.28 50.45a ± 0.50 51.15b ± 0.98
Protein (%) 26.33b ± 0.58 26.17b ± 0.23 28.20c ± 0.44 25.07a ± 0.15 26.33b ± 0.15
Ash (%) 2.80c 0.10 2.78c ± 0.06 2.07b ± 0.05 2.11b ± 0.06 1.75a ± 0.17
Dietary fibre (%) 71.33d ± 1.53 62.33a ± 1.32 66.33bc ± 0.51 68.33c ± 0.58 64.67b ± 0.55
Carbohydrate (%)*** 19.71b ± 1.03 20.53b ± 0.49 17.61a ± 0.29 22.37c ± 0.38 20.82b ± 1.08

*All values are averages of the triplicate analysis.

**Values in the same row followed by different letters are statistically different at the 95% confidence level.

***Calculated by difference; the values followed by the same letter (in each row) are not significantly variance (p 0.05).

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