Fig. 1


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Shifts in cultivated sunflower climatic space with climate change expected by 2070. A. Current global distribution of cultivated sunflower. B. Shift in climate space in cultivated locations globally. C. Shift in climate space in cultivated locations in N. America. D. Global distribution of sunflower crop wild relatives (CWR). E. Potential for CWRs to adapt to future climate conditions globally. F. Potential for CWRs to adapt to future climate conditions in N. America. G. Global distribution of major sunflower pest (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum). H. Escape of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum under future climate globally. I. Escape of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum under future climate in Northern America. Numbers and graphi graphical representations represent the median result from 15 GCMs, 2 RCPs and 6 occurrence selection thresholds. Figures represent the unlikely worst-case scenario (i.e. high emissions, low mitigation), RCP 8.5, with the CCSM4 GCM, to illustrate maximum losses of climate space. CWRs = crop wild relatives.

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