Open Access

Table 2

Results of the self-metathesis of oleic acid (1) in sonication conditions[a].

Entry Solvent Catalyst Conv. 2 (%), 3
(%)[c] E/Z[d] (%)[d]

1 C1 91 53, 4/1 51
2 C2 90 51, 4/1 53
3 C3 84 43, 3/1 41
4 Toluene C1 92 56, 4/1 59
5 DMC[b] C1 91 57, 4/1 58

Reaction conditions: 1 (20 mmol), C1C3 (0.1 mol%), ultrasound, 5 h.


DMC: dimethyl carbonate.


Substrate conversion was determined by GC, with pentadecanoic acid as the internal reference.


Yields were determined after purification by flash chromatography on silica gel.

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