Open Access

Table 3

Kernel and hull contents as determined by the least squares method.

Variety Year registered Subdray Surgères

Hull content N R2 Hull content N R2
(g/100 g of DM) (g/100 g of DM)

Amber 1994 16.8 8 0.998 16.3 8 0.994
ES Astrid 2003 17.0 2 0.977 18.0 2 0.605
Boral . 16.3 2 0.999
Bristol 1993 18.6 2 0.979
Darmor 1983 18.0 2 0.898
Gaspard 1985 20.9 2 . 18.0 2 0.538
Grizzly 2003 19.0 2 0.784
Jet9 1977 17.1 8 0.987
Major 1971 18.2 8 0.952 18.0 8 0.987
Navajo 1992 21.2 2 0.826
Pollen 1998 18.0 2 0.998
Tapidor 1989 18.9 2 0.980
Vivol 1992 18.3 2 0.654 18.0 2 0.951
Warzanwski . 18.6 8 0.992

N: number of analyses used to determine hull percentage, R2: pseudo-coefficient of determination (Eq. (5)).

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