Open Access

Table 1

Compositional data on rapeseed hull content and the hull and kernel fractions reported in the literature.

Reference Hull composition Kernels composition
Hull content
Oil Protein CF Ash Oil Protein CF Ash

g/100 g of DM g/100 g of DDM g/100 g of DM g/100 g of DDM

Laisney, 1983 18 10.6 18.0 59.6 79
Appelqvist and Olhson, 1972 16.5 16.0 18.7 34.3 47.1 53.6 3.0
Guilbot and Tollier, 1976 18.1 13.7 7.7 50.7 4.7 8.7
Kracht et al., 2004 15–22 16.4 18.3 34.4 55.6 48.2 3.8
Burghart et al., 1979 17 16.8 31.2 46.0 5.3
Chanet, 1973 18.4 13.8 17.9 32.4 5.1 54.8 52.9 5.0 8.4
Thakor and Sokhansanj, 1997 14.8 26.2 31.6 51.3 60.7 6.5
Togni, 1985 12.4 13.4 17.0 27.1 47.8 46.4 9.7
Baudet, 1983 12.0 18.1 28.5 55.3 49.4 4.9
Kozlowka et al., 1988 14.0 15.1 31.9 5.2 50.4 56.4 12.0 8.0
Mitaru et al., 1984 10.9 16.9 44.1 5.7

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