Issue |
Volume 19, Number 4, Juillet-Août 2012
Page(s) | 209 - 215 | |
Section | Dossier : Absorption intestinale des lipides | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 15 July 2012 |
Gènes et absorption intestinale des microconstituants lipidiques (vitamines liposolubles, caroténoïdes et phytostérols)*
Genes and intestinal absorption of lipidic microconstituents (fat-soluble vitamins, carotenoids and phytosterols)
INRA, U1260 « Nutrition, Obésité et Risque Thrombotique », Marseille, F-13385, France
INSERM, U1062, Marseille, F-13385, France
Aix-Marseille Université, Marseille, F-13385, France
Intestinal absorption of lipidic microconstituents (LM) is very variable and depends on numerous factors. Recent studies have shown that, contrary to what was assumed, proteins are involved in absorption of LM by enterocyte. It is likely that genetic polymorphisms in genes encoding for these proteins modulate absorption efficiency of these compounds. This hypothesis can explain the huge interindividual variability in absorption efficiency of these compounds. The effect of genetic variants on absorption efficiency of LM may in turn lead to modify plasma and tissues concentration of LM and, finally, their ability to prevent some diseases (cardiovascular diseases, cancers. . .). Recent results support these hypothesis. However, other studies are required to definitely conclude on the real effect of genetic variants of intestinal transporters of LM on status and health effect of these compounds. Since most LM seems beneficial for health at low (dietary) doses and can be hazardous at higher (pharmacological) doses, it can be anticipated that recommended dietary allowances of LM, or doses of LM in functional foods/supplements, will be adapted to groups of the population carrying common genetic variants known to significantly affect LM bioavailability.
Key words: genetic polymorphisms / vitamins / carotenoids / bioavailability / nutrition
Cet article est déjà paru dans la revue Cahiers de Nutrition et de Diététique sous la référence : Borel P. Génes et absorption intestinale des microconstituants lipidiques (vitamines liposolubles, caroténoïdes et phytost érols). Cahiers de Nutrition et de Diététique 2009 ; 44(3) : 124–131.
Copyright © 2009 Société française de nutrition. Publié par Elsevier Masson SAS. Tous droits réservés. Reproduit avec autorisation.
© John Libbey Eurotext 2012
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