Issue |
Volume 18, Number 2, Mars-Avril 2011
Dossier : Vitamines liposolubles
Page(s) | 53 - 58 | |
Section | Nutrition – Santé | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 15 March 2011 |
Absorption intestinale des vitamines liposolubles
UMR 1260 Inra, Faculté de Médecine, 27 boulevard Jean-Moulin, 13385 Marseille Cedex 5, France
The molecular mechanisms of fat-soluble vitamin intestinal absorption remain partly unknown, despite the fact that a better understanding of this process would certainly allow to improve their bioavailability. If their digestion-absorption process follows the fate of lipids globally, the recent discovery of membranes proteins involved in their absorption questioned the established dogmas. These new data should be taken into account to avoid dietary or drug interactions that may limit some fatsoluble vitamin bioavailability.
Key words: fat soluble vitamins / bioavailability / digestion / intestinal absorption / chylomicron / HDL
© John Libbey Eurotext 2011
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