Issue |
Volume 15, Number 6, Novembre-Décembre 2008
Page(s) | 364 - 377 | |
Section | Économie – Développement | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 15 November 2008 |
Expliquer les évolutions des cours des matières premières agricoles : À l’impossible, nul n’est tenu !
INRA, UAR 233 Collège de direction (CODIR), 147 rue de l’université, 75338
Paris Cedex 07, France
How to explain the recent developments in the prices of agricultural raw materials? This article tries to trace the chronology of events and identify the mechanisms by which factors of change in agricultural prices act. From this analysis of temporal and causal effects an important lesson emerges, namely the difficulty if not the impossibility to isolate the responsibility of a particular determinant, even more to quantify it. Hence also the need to develop the economic analysis of agricultural prices, of their trends and determinants, including through the use of quantitative structural models, i.e., models that explicitly derived suplly and demand functions from behaviours of private and public actors.
Key words: agricultural prices / biofuels / food trade / stocks / economic analysis
© John Libbey Eurotext 2008
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