Issue |
Volume 14, Number 3-4, Mai-Août 2007
Page(s) | 172 - 176 | |
Section | PUFAs for brain development in early life | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 15 May 2007 |
Effects of a n-3 PUFA deficient diet on the expression of retinoid nuclear receptors, neurogranin and neuromodulin in rat brain
ITERG – Département Nutrition Santé; Université Bordeaux 1, Avenue des Facultés, 33405 Talence
Unité de Nutrition et Neurosciences, Universités Bordeaux 1 et 2; Université Bordeaux 1, Avenue des Facultés, 33405 Talence
A lot of studies performed in rodents revealed that n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) deficient diets could induce deficits of learning capacities but the mechanisms involved are not well known. Retinoic acid (RA) and its nuclear receptors (RAR and RXR) play a central role in the maintenance of cognitive processes and synaptic plasticity via its action on target genes that are neurogranin (RC3) and neuromodulin (GAP43). Given some interferences were described between the retinoid and fatty acid signaling pathways, we investigated the effects of a _α-linolenic acid (18: 3 n-3) deficient diet on retinoic acid nuclear receptors (RAR, and RXR), on GAP43 and RC3, and on blood and brain fatty acid composition in rats at three times of diet: 3, 9 and 18 weeks. In blood and brain of these animals, we observed a severe n-3 PUFA deficit (18:3 n-3, 20:5 n-3 and particularly 22:6 n-3) associated with an increase in the n-6 PUFA content (mainly 22:5 n-6). Real-time PCR and western blot analysis allowed us to note that retinoid signaling, GAP43 and RC3 expression were affected in the striatum of the n-3 PUFA deprived rats.
Key words: n-3 PUFA deficient diet / retinoic acid nuclear receptors / brain / neurogranin / neuromodulin
© John Libbey Eurotext 2007
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