Issue |
Volume 13, Number 2-3, Mars-Juin 2006
Page(s) | 143 - 151 | |
Section | Conférence Chevreul | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 15 March 2006 |
La lipochimie et le carbone renouvelable : une opportunité pour l’agro-industrie
Laboratoire de chimie agro-industrielle, UMR 1010 Inra/INPT – Ensiacet, 118, route de Narbonne 31077 Toulouse cedex 4
The willing of the Member States of the European Union to reduce the petrol dependence, associated to the environment quality problems and the search for better life conditions for citizens sets the lipochemistry within the expectations of the sustainable development and within the hopes of our society. The agriculture will thus play a capital role in the coming years. Indeed, the oleaginous will have a more and more privileged position to reply of course to the energy requirements but also mainly to supply specialty and commodity bio-products.
In these conditions, the industry of the renewable carbon, and particularly the industry of oleaginous, are going to develop and will come across an expansion in the short and the medium term.
In this new context, the synergy between different disciplines will be a provider of success. Also, the “assembling” of different agricultural productions will be a source of innovation and a basis for the creation of new economic activities. In this sense, the reactivity between the lignocellulosic substrates and the fatty derivatives constitutes one of these challenges. We have investigated new activation techniques adapted to two-phase solid/liquid media. These activations employ either technological ways that favour the compatibility between products and substrates, or fatty derivatives that provide a good reactivity after appropriate functionalisation. The examples that are given try to illustrate this approach, to debate around new concepts, and to place emphasis on all the scientific and economic benefits obtained therefrom. From then on, the lipochemistry is situated in the centre of a system where the deductive research and the inductive research nourish each other.
Key words: fatty acids / fatty esters / fatty derivatives / cellulose / lignocellulose / two-phase solid/liquid medium
© John Libbey Eurotext 2006
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